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Designed for busy English teachers

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Lingstar - Best Tool for English Teachers, Tutors & Coaches

Spend less time planning and more time teaching with our exercises.

Quickly find the right materials with our intuitive search feature.

All-in-one platform - no need to search for resources elsewhere.

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Let Lingstar save you time - start today!

Trusted by teachers worldwide!

As a teacher, you’re doing an incredible job shaping the future and inspiring your students every day. We know how busy your schedule can get, which is why Lingstar is here to help. With over 1,280 speaking and listening exercises, Lingstar saves you valuable time on lesson preparation so you can focus on what you do best - teaching. Whether you need a quick warm-up, an engaging discussion topic, or a structured speaking task, our materials are ready to use whenever you are.

Why Lingstar?

Take control, save time
and the environment.

Take control over the chaos and enjoy order

Plan new classes choosing from the ready materials for drilling English grammar and vocabulary through speaking. Choose your student’s proficiency level and the grammar structure or vocabulary you want to focus on. The exercise collection constantly expands and covers topics referring to the changing world.

Save time preparing engaging classes at all levels

With this app, you no longer have to spend hours searching for the perfect speaking exercises to use with your students. Instead, you can simply access our database of exercises and pick the ones that best suit your students' needs. We hope it makes your life a little easier.

No copies, let's save the environment together 🙂

Say “no” to copies and save a lot of trees! Using Lingstar means: no more printing, cutting out, or laminating! Unfortunately, paper production is characterised by an enormous CO2 footprint, so reducing paper use, even partially, will directly limit deforestation and CO2 emission. It's a win-win situation for you and Earth.

Ready to dive in?

Join us for free today,
experience the difference!
Join us for free today and experience the difference!

Discover how much time you can save with Lingstar
and how easily you will engage your students.

Join to Beta Testers
How it works

Just a few simple steps
to spice up your lessons.


Signing up is a breeze! Simply provide your name and email, and you're good to go. No hidden fees or obligations, just an easy registration process.

Find a perfect exercise

The search bar is designed to allow you to quickly and easily find the exact exercise you need. Type in the grammar structure or vocabulary you want to focus on and choose the perfect exercise.

Conduct the lesson

Open the exercise on your computer (show it directly or invite students by a dedicated link). Use the arrow keys or the spacebar to navigate through the slides. More types of exercises coming soon!

Enjoy your free time!

Use the time you saved to do something good for yourself or for others! 😉

#1 Tool for English Teachers
Online classes? That’s great!

No more pdfs, sharing your screen
or sending links to various websites.
Online Learning

Now you have all in one place, it’s clear, well-organised
and you can easily share it with your students.


Invite the student

Share your unique link with your students and turn on exercise sharing! Now, both of you see the same things on the screens (without the need to share yours) but it’s you who is in control. Take control once and for all!


Start the lesson

Decide what you want to practise and choose the appropriate exercise. You have a clear database with exercises categorized according to topic, grammar categories and proficiency level. This is a solution for no confusion!


Control the exercise

You decide when to proceed to the next question, finish or change the exercise. What’s more, if you choose an interactive exercise, you see your students’ answers on the spot. It’s as simple as that but it’s so convenient!

Lingstar Membership pricing

Choose the best membership plan for you


Free Lingstar membership for your holidays! Pay annually and get 2 months of membership for free each year!

Big limited database of 120+ exercises
Access to selected grammar charts
Exercise sharing for on-line classes
It's really free – no credit card required
2 months free each year
Unlimited access to the 1373 exercise database
Unlimited access to all grammar charts
Exercise sharing for on-line classes
Start now
Pro Coming soon
Unlimited access to the 1373 exercise database
Unlimited access to all grammar charts
Exercise sharing for on-line classes
Students and groups management
Lessons planner and history
Contact us

Lingstar for busy English educators

How does Lingstar save time for teachers?

Lingstar provides a vast library of ready-made exercises that eliminate the need for extensive lesson planning, allowing you to focus more on teaching.

What types of resources are available on Lingstar?

Lingstar offers a variety of speaking and listening activities, grammar drills, and warm-ups, all designed to engage students and enhance their learning experience.

Is Lingstar suitable for teachers of all experience levels?

Yes! Lingstar is designed to assist both new and experienced teachers, providing user-friendly resources that cater to various teaching styles and student needs.

Can I use Lingstar for online teaching?

Absolutely! Lingstar's platform is perfect for online teaching, allowing you to easily share links with your students and conduct engaging lessons in virtual classrooms.

What should I do if I have questions about using Lingstar?

Our support team is available to help! You can reach out through our contact page for assistance with any questions or concerns you may have.

Can I quickly share exercises with my students?

Yes! With Lingstar, you can share a single link to access all materials, eliminating the hassle of multiple links or complicated setups.

How does Lingstar help me stay organized?

All resources are categorized and easy to find, so you can locate the materials you need quickly and efficiently, making your teaching experience smoother.